
发布者:系统管理员审核:wangd 作者:wangd终审:发布时间:2008-10-05浏览次数:4688

挪威NORCH Consulting公司,挪威
   我是挪威NORCH Consulting公司(咨询)的负责人。现有挪威的Solar Cell Repower公司,委托我公司在中国高级研究开发招聘人才。
1. Solar Cell Repower公司情况简介
   Solar Cell Repower公司(下简称为SCR)从事硅太阳能电池片大量生产中,所产生的大批有缺陷的太阳能电池的缺陷修复和性能提高的研究、开发和再生产的工作。研究开发部门在奥斯陆市,生产部门在纳尔维克市。
2. 招聘下列六类研究开发人才(生产人才不在此列,另行招聘):
1Technology Manager(技术管理师)
2Senior Technologist / Engineer Lasers高级激光工程师
3Senior Technologist / Engineer Measurements高级测试工程师
4Senior Technologist / Engineer Thermal Processes高级热处理工程师
5Senior Technologist / Chemist高级化学工程师
6Senior Automation Engineer高级自动化工程师
1Technology Manager(技术管理师)
Objective: Invent, develop and implement silicon solar cell repair processes.
Main Activities:
-   Process development and optimization
-   Daily follow up of R&D activities
-   Interface to production
-   Manage external projects with universities and Institutes
-   Technology support for marketing
-   Technology assessment for investment analysis
Main Responsibilities:
-   Process Capability
-   R&D project management
-   New process and equipment specification and design approval
-   IPR
-   Secure R&D funding
-   Report R&D results monthly
-   R&D budget and forecasts for the company
-   Technology analysis
-   Experience in R&D management
-   Experience in industrial production
-   Experience in process development and implementation
-   Fluent in English and preferably also in other major languages
-   Personal traits: team player, highly productive, creative, analytic, committed, integrity
-   PhD or MS in a relevant field
2Senior Technologist / Engineer Laser高级激光工程师
Objective: Invent, develop and implement novel laser repair processes for silicon solar cell.
Main Activities:
-   Process development and optimization: apply laser processes to modify local areas in solar cells
-   Implement processes in production: write process specifications for large scale process application, participate in specification and design or selection of process equipment
-   Interface to production: coach production personal on running new processes, trouble shoot process problems, consult on equipment calibration and operation.
-   Create IPR
-   Analyze laser technology     
Main Responsibilities:
-   Process Capability of laser processes
-   Laser process and laser system specification
-   Design approval for laser processes and equipment
-   Project management
-   Periodic reporting
-   Laser technology analysis
-   Expertise: lasers, laser systems, laser optics, laser processing of silicon solar cells
-   Experience from industrial R&D and production
-   PhD or MS
-   Fluent in English
-   Personal traits: team player, highly productive, creative, analytic, committed, integrity
3Senior Technologist / Engineer Measurement高级测试工程师
Objective: Identify location of defects in silicon solar cells, identify defects and measure quality of solar cells.
Main Activities:
-   Development and optimization imaging methods and measurements techniques.
-   Implement new imaging systems in production; implement new measurement methods in production: write measurement specifications for large scale production application, participate in specification and design or selection of imaging equipment and measurement systems.
-   Manage calibration standards
-   Interface to production: coach production personal on operating imaging and measurement systems, trouble shoot imaging and measurement problems, consult on measurement calibration and operation.
-   Create IPR
-   Analyze imaging and measurement technology        
Main Responsibilities:
-   Measurement Capability of analytic systems
-   Analytical system specification, selection and design approval
-   Calibration and standards
-   Project management
-   Periodic reporting
-   Measurement technology analysis
-   Expertise: solar cell imaging and mapping techniques, industrial cell measurements
-   Experience from industrial R&D and production
-   PhD or MS in relevant field
-   Fluent in English
-   Personal traits: team player, highly productive, creative, analytic, committed, integrity
4Senior Technologist / Engineer Thermal Processes高级热处理工程师
Objective: Invent, develop and implement novel thermal processes for solar cell upgrading and repair.
Main Activities:
-   Process development and optimization: apply advanced heat treatment to solar cells to optimize cell efficiency
-   Implement processes in production: write thermal process specifications for large scale process application, participate in specification, design and selection of process furnaces.
-   Interface to production: coach production personal on running new thermal processes, trouble shoot thermal process problems, consult on temperature calibration and operation.
-   Create IPR
-   Analyze thermal process technology
Main Responsibilities:
-   Process Capability of thermal processes
-   New process and equipment design approval
-   Thermal process and furnace specification
-   Project management
-   Periodic reporting
-   Thermal process technology analysis
-   Expertise: heat treatment processes, diffusion simulations, silicon wafer and solar cell processing
-   Experience from industrial R&D and production
-   PhD or MS in relevant field
-   Fluent in English
-   Personal traits: team player, highly productive, creative, analytic, committed, integrity
5Senior Technologist / Chemist高级化学工程师
Objective: Invent, develop and implement novel chemical repair processes for silicon solar cell.
Main Activities:     
-   Process development and optimization: apply chemical processes to remove or isolate visual and electrical defects in silicon solar cells. Develop chemical deposition processes to replace defects.
-   Implement processes in production: write process specifications for large scale process application, participate in specification and design or selection of process equipment.
-   Interface to production: coach production personal on running new processes, trouble shoot process problems, consult on equipment calibration and operation.
-   Create IPR
-   Analyze chemical technology        
Main Responsibilities:
-   Process Capability of chemical processes
-   New chemical process and equipment specification
-   Design approval for chemical processes and processing equipment
-   Project Management
-   Periodic reporting
-   Chemical technology analysis
-   Expertise: chemical process used in solar cell production
-   Prefer experience from industrial R&D and production
-   PhD or MS in chemistry
-   Fluent in English and preferably also in other major languages
-   Personal traits: team player, highly productive, creative, analytic, committed, integrity
6Senior Automation Engineer高级自动化工程师
Objective: Optimize Equipment design for novel solar cell repair processes.
Main Activities:
-   Equipment development and optimization for new processes
-   Implement new equipment in R&D lab and in production: Vendor interface and equipment specification, design and acceptance
-   Interface to production: coach production personal on installation and ramp up of new equipment, trouble shoot cell handling problems, consult on equipment adjustment and optimization for yield and cycle time
-   Create IPR
-   Analyze automation equipment technology
Main Responsibilities:
-   Equipment Capability for meeting process specifications
-   Equipment specification
-   Design approval
-   Equipment acceptance
-   Project management
-   Periodic reporting
-   Automation equipment analysis
-   Expertise: automated solar cell production, mechanical system design, infrastructure
-   Prefer experience from industrial R&D and production
-   PhD or MS is relevant field
-   Fluent in English
-   Personal traits: team player, highly productive, creative, analytic, committed, integrity
3. 对语言的要求:英语(流利)
4. 被招聘人才的待遇:(SCR offers attractive pay, pension and insurance conditions)
MSc学位: 年薪36万挪威克朗(约合6万美元)
PhD学位: 年薪42万挪威克朗(约合7万美元)
5. 气候和环境:挪威夏季气温最高零上30摄氏度,绝大部分夏季气温零上25摄氏度左右;冬季气温最低零下12摄氏度,绝大部分冬季气温零下5摄氏度左右。挪威自然环境美丽,是绿色国家,社会福利名列世界前茅,多年被联合国评为世界最适合人类居住的国家。
6. NORCH Consulting公司简介
    NORCH Consulting公司(下简称为NORCH)是专门从事挪威中国之间Match making任务的公司。公司的负责人,原来在中国大陆一所大学任教授,1993年来挪威一所大学任教授,直到现在。从2004年起,在挪威注册NORCH Consulting公司,兼做挪威中国之间的Match making工作。NORCH在人才交流方面,在太阳能领域中,曾经在中国招聘过优秀的人才来挪威工作。他们目前在挪威的RECScanCell公司出色地工作和富裕地生活着。现在我公司又要为挪威的SCR公司在中国招聘优秀人才来挪威工作。被录取来挪威工作后,可以以家庭团聚的方式办理配偶和18岁以下子女来挪威共同生活。
7. 报名与录取程序
• 报名:有意者请发送一封简短的申请函(在函中指明上述六类中,您要申请那一类的研究开发人才),并附中文和英文简历,到如下的人和地址(最好用电子邮件):
Ziqiong Deng(邓子琼), General Manager
Norch Consulting
Blaaklokkeveien 3
3050 Mjoendalen
电话:(0047) 310 99 120
手机:(0047) 413 55 949
• 录取程序:NORCH接到申请后,NORCH将于200811月下旬派人到中国进行初步面谈。然后确定一个符合条件的、由SCRNORCH共同进行面试(Interview)的人选名单,并定于20091月,由SCRNORCH共同派人到中国进行面试。
您若有问题,请来电子邮件或来电话询问。来电话时间为挪威时间10:00 – 15:00(即中国时间17:00 – 22:00)。
Ziqiong Deng(邓子琼), General Manager
Norch Consulting
Blaaklokkeveien 3         
3050 Mjoendalen          
Ziqiong Deng(邓子琼), Professor
Industrial Engineering
Narvik University College
8505 Narvik
挪威电话: (0047) 310 99 120
挪威手机: (0047) 413 55 949      
中国手机:(0086134 394 77853  136 831 48536 (只有我在中国时才打开中国手机)