学术报告会:Nano Tribology of Computer Hard Disk Drives


Nano Tribology of Computer Hard Disk Drives
Dr. Junguo XU
Chief Researcher, Research Laboratory, HITACHI, Japan
Dr. Junguo XU got his Master’s degree in Materials Science and Engineering from Zhejiang University in 1986 and Ph. D.’s degree from Tohuku University, Japan in 1996. He finished his two years’ postdoctoral training in The Ohio State University, USA, in 1998. Since then, he joined Hitachi Japan, and now serves as the Chief Researcher of Hitachi Research Laboratory, the group leader of the head disk interface team.
Dr. Xu has been working on nano-tribology for research and development of computer hard disk drives from 1996. He has published more than 60 papers in famous international journals in recent 15 years, filed more than 60 patents including 1 golden and 2 sliver awards in Hitachi, lectured more than 70 times in international academic conferences including about 10 keynote talks. He has been awarded 2 technical awards from Japan Tribology Society in 2004 and 2012, respectively, and 2 best track papers from ISPS division of America Society of Mechanical Engineering in 2006 and 2011, respectively, more than 20 company technical awards. He worked as one of organizers for quite a few international conferences, serves as a referee for quite a few international journals including Wear, Journal of Tribology, Tribology Transactions, Tribology International, IEEE Transaction on Magnetics, Microsystem technologies etc. He also serves an associate editor for Tribology Online English Journal of Japan Tribology Society.
                                      联系人:浙江大学材料系吴进明教授 0571-87953115