学术报告:Plastic Solar Cells


报告题目:Plastic Solar Cells
报告人:Dr. Fengling Zhang
Associate professor, The Department of Physics, Chemistry and Biology, Linköping University, Sweden
报告时间: 2012年9月13日(星期四)下午4点
联系人:金一政副教授 (yizhengjin@zju.edu.cn)

Solution processed bulk heterojunction polymer solar cells (PSCs) attracts more attention due to their potential applications as robust, light-weigh, flexible mobile power sources. To improve the device performance, many new polymers with preferred optoelectronic properties have been synthesized. Parallel with material development, various fabrication techniques and device structures have also been extensively explored. Impressive progress has been made in terms of power conversion efficiency (PCE) during the last decade. In this talk, following a general review of the field, our efforts to improve device efficiency will be introduced from new polymer synthesis to device optimization through controlling morphology of active layers, modifying electrodes, investigating charge generation, recombination and transport in devices.

Post-doc, 2000-2002, Biomolecular and Organic Electronics, the Department of Physics, Chemistry and Biology (IFM), Linköping University.
Post-doc, 1998-2000, Prof. Yasuhiko Shirota’s lab, Department of Applied Chemistry, Osaka University, Japan.
PhD, July 1998, Changchun Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS), Changchun, China, Solid state physics,
M.Sc. Sept. 1985, Changchun Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Changchun, China, Solid state physics,
B.S. July 1982, Department of Physics, Daqing Petroleum Institute, China.

Research experiences:
2000-present: Research on organic electronics, polymer light emitting diode (LED), polymer solar cells, ZnO polymer hybrid solar cells, and soluble small molecule solar cells. Fundamental researches on interface and charge transfer states in organic solar cells. Explore different kinds of device geometries and fabrication processes.
1998-2000: Researched on organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs), specifically on improving charge carrier injection from metal electrode to organic emitting layer.
1995-1998: PhD Thesis on “Enhancing the luminescence intensity and efficiency of OLEDs made of polymers and organic molecules”
1982-1985: Master Thesis on “The properties of recombination emission of bound excitons in crystal GaN”

Dr.Zhang mainly works on organic solar cells (OSCs) from optimizing new materials to exploring new device structures as well as investigation on the factors, which dominate device photovoltaic performance. In the past 12 years, more than 100 synthesized materials (polymers and soluble small molecules) were evaluated and optimized in OSCs. New device structures including ITO free, flexible, multi-folded OSCs, and vacuum free transparent inverted OSCs were explored and successfully fabricated. Most of her research has been published in high impact journals, such as Advanced Materials, Journal of the American Chemical Society and Advanced Functional Materials. She published 82 journal articles with 3601 time citation and h-index 33. Her work on modifying morphology of active layers with mix solvents (2003), using soluble interfacial layer to modifying cathode (2007) and inverted vacuum free transparent solar cells (2009) are all pioneer in the field.