

报告题目:New strategies in preparing organic micro/nanostructures and crystalline inorganic materials
报告人:Dr. Zhang Qichun, School of Materials science & Engineering, Nanyang Technological University
张其春博士1970年出生,江苏高邮人。1992年南京大学分析专业本科毕业,1998年中科院北京化学所物理化学硕士毕业,2003年美国加州大学洛杉矶分校(University of California, Los Angeles)有机化学硕士毕业,2007年在美国加州大学河滨分校 (University of California, Riverside)无机化学博士毕业,2007-2008年西北大学(Northwestern University)做博士后,2009年受聘于新加坡南洋理工大学4556银河国际在线助理教授。研究兴趣包括有机半导体材料的合成和自组装和它们在有机半导体器件上的应用,以及无机半导体晶体材料的合成和应用。目前已在Nature Chemistry(2)J. Am. Chem. Sci.(9)Angew. Chem. Inter. Ed.(2), ACS Nano(1) 等期刊上发表106篇论文,被引近2000次,H-index24
Abstract: (1)It is well-known that the conversion of pre-formed inorganic nanoparticles into more complicated nanocrystalline solids has become a powerful tool to enrich compositional and morphological complexity in inorganic nanoworld. Logically, organic particles should also possess this ability to perform chemical conversion since the building blocks in organic micro/nano-materials have relatively weaker interactions. However, the present reports for organic particles only focus on synthesis (shape/size control) and applications. Using organic particles as starting materials to generate novel organic micro/nanostructures through chemical conversion/transformation is unprecedented. This part of research will be also discussed in this seminar.
    (2) Although surfactants have been widely used to tailor size, shape and surface properties of nanocrystals and control the pore size and phases of mesoporous frameworks, employing surfactants as reaction media to grow chalcogenides and MOFs are unprecedented. In this report, I will talk some new progress in my group to use surfactants as reaction media to prepare crystalline inorganic materials including chalcogenides and MOFs.