学术报告201603-美国德州大学圣安东尼奥分校Amar S Bhalla教授学术报告


报告题目:Ferroics, Multiferroics and Bio-ferroics
报告人:Professor Amar S Bhalla
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX, USA
Dr. Bhalla is a Distinguished Research Professor in the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering of the University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA). Prior to joining UTSA in the year 2007 (as Distinguished Research Professor and Associate Dean for Research) he served as a faculty and then (from 1984 to 2007) as a Professor of Materials and Electrical Engineering and Senior Scientist at the Materials Research Institute, Pennsylvania State University. After his PhD degree from Penn State, he joined NASA, Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville as a National Academy of Science/National Research Council Research fellow and worked on the projects related to the 'Materials Processing in space under zero-gravity environment'.
Dr. Bhalla has worked in several research thrust areas during his long research career, such as: various aspects of basic and applied research in pyroelectrics, piezoelectrics and ferroelectrics, as well as their fabrication in ceramics, single crystals, fiber and composite forms;  microwave and tunable dielectrics; relaxor ferroelectrics, ferroics & multiferroics; novel elecronic composites and metamaterials; size dependence properties of ferroics and multiferroics and understanding of nanostructural material science, fabrication and their unique role in device structures; optical & electrooptic properties of ferroics. His current interests are deeply in understanding the overlapping boundaries of nanostructured ferroics and multifunctionality to exploit their role in developing sensors for the structural health and human health monitoring. Goals of his current research are leading to the cutting edge of the new interdisciplinary field of materials science and its applications which he envisions will be encompassing the areas of advanced sensors, biotechnology and energy harvesting, and with the promises of nanomaterials science will provide the future needs of structural health and human health monitoring related sensors, with impact also on our future supplement energy needs.
Prof. Bhalla has published some 700+ scientific papers in the professional journals. He is a Fellow of American Ceramic Society, Fellow of Optical Society of America and member of several professional societies. He has organized over 50 scientific meetings, conferences and symposia in the field and published over 20 conference proceedings. He has served on the Editorial Boards of several journals; principle Editor of J. Materials Research and currently serving as an Associate Editor of three journals in the area of Ferroelectrics. He has been the co-editor and contributor to the Ladolt-Bornstien Handbook Series on Physical Properties of Materials. Dr. Bhalla has served as a visiting Distinguished Professor or Chair Professor (more than 15 such assignments) at various National and International Universities. He serves on several universities, industrial & government advisory committees and panels and has served as a consultant on the United Nation Development Programs. He also served as a Program Director in the Division of Materials Research, National Science Foundation for over 4 years (on- & offsite capacity).
 间:2016315(星期二) 9:30~10:30