学术报告201608-国际陶瓷联合会主席、斯洛文尼亚卢布雅娜大学Dalino Sovorov教授学术报告的通知


报告题目Electronic materials – from nanoparticles to nanolayers?
报告人Professor Danilo Suvorov
University of Ljubljana & Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Prof. Danilo Suvorov is currently a Professor at the University of  Ljubljana and the Head of Advanced Materials Department, Institute Jozef Stefan, Slovenia. He is a current President of the International Ceramic Federation ICF and the Past President of the European Ceramic Society ECerS, invited Academician of the World Academy of Ceramic, Fellow of the American Ceramic Society and Fellow of the European Ceramic Society.
He graduated from the Department of Chemical Technology, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia in 1976, and was awarded the MS and PhD degrees in Chemistry by University of Ljubljana in 1982 and 1984, respectively.
Prof. Suvorov's principal scientific interests in the field of ceramics materials include investigation of the high temperature reactions in oxide ceramics, synthesis of electronic ceramics, studies of phase relations and reaction mechanisms in ceramic systems and synthesis of glasses. His work is currently focusing on development of electronic ceramics with insulating properties such as capacitor and microwave ceramics as well as those with semiconducting properties and LTCC technology. He is also contributing significant findings in the field of nanomaterials reserach and bioactive ceramics. He published over 210 per-reviewed papers and presented over 140 invited talks. His papers were cited more than 3000 times and his H=34. Currently he holds 24 international patents. He has acted as a chair person in more than 140 international conferences. In past he organized several international Conferences such are MMA-2000 and ECERS Conference in 2005. As a member of Scientific or Advisory Board each year he participates in organization of several International scientific conferences worldwide.
Prof. Suvorov is a recipient of several scientific awards during the past years, including National Science Innovation Award, 1984 (Slovenia) and National Science Innovation Award, 1987 (Slovenia).
 间:2016321(星期一) 10:00~11:00