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    2018 Stanford-ZJU Symposium on Materials Science Kicked Off

    Editor:yingwen Date:2018-08-08 Hits:475

    On August 6-7, 2018, MSE’s most celebrated US university exchange group ZJU went to Stanford University and led to Stanford-ZJU Symposium 2018: Advancing Research & Innovation on Materials Science for Global Significance was held to great success.

    On the morning of August 6, the seminar's opening ceremony was held. Prof. Paul McIntyre, head of the Department of Materials Science at Stanford University, expressed his warmest welcome to the delegation from the MSE School of Zhejiang University and reviewed the exchanges and cooperation between Stanford and Zhejiang University. Prof. Han Gaorong, Dean of the School of Materials, Zhejiang University, expressed his heartfelt gratitude to Stanford University’s reception and introduced the history and achievements of MSE, ZJU. He hoped that cooperation will continue between the two universities. 2019 is marks the 100th anniversary of the Department of Materials Science at Stanford University. Professor Han Gaorong presented the Longquan Celadon Gift to Professor Paul McIntyre, named Hundred Years of Innovation.


    A number of top experts from different materials science research institutes reported on the wonderful symposium. Professor Yang Deren, a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, discussed the development of silicon materials in Zhejiang University and demonstrated seed crystal applications when preparing monocrystalline silicon. Professor Yi Cui discussed the application of silicon materials in lithium-ion batteries, metal lithium anode modifications, and applications of cryo-electron microscopy in energy storage. Professor Jiang Jianzhong, Alberto Salleo, Chen Xiangming, and Shan Wang also spoke on what their individual projects. In addition, Ms. Yao Xuxia, on behalf of MSE, ZJU, introduced the School of Material Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University in detail, and introduced the new journal Materials Today Nano, founded by Professor Zhang Ze, member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.


    On the afternoon of August 6, 19 ZJU doctoral students presented their basic research, applied basic research and engineering technology development of material micro-nano structures, information about functional materials, energy of functional materials, advanced structural materials, biomedical materials, and more. Stanford University Ph.D. students also lectured on their academic achievements in various aspects such as material preparation, performance testing, and theoretical calculations. The research work of doctoral students has been highly recognized by well-known scholars from both institutes, which has aroused strong interest from all teachers and students present. 


    On the morning of August 7, the scholars furthered their exchange on the issues they are currently working on. In the afternoon, the exchange group visited the Laboratory. Fritz Prinz Laboratories uses advanced atomic layer deposition (ALD) technology to prepare new nanomaterials, while William Chueh Lab is working on a new generation of energy storage materials such as lithium and sodium, as well as electrocatalysts. The exchange team is communicating with researchers of the two research groups to further understand the daily norms and resource management guidelines of the laboratory and to explore any differences in scientific research between Zhejiang University and Stanford University.




    The exchange group, paired with top US Universities, is a delegation of 39 college students and faculty, including 11 teachers, 19 doctoral students, and 9 undergraduates. It is led by Prof. Han Gaorong, the dean, and is the largest overseas university exchange group in the history of MSE, ZJU.
