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    Vibrant and Active– Memories of 2019 Autumn Games

    Editor: Date:2019-10-28 Hits:1

    At 15:00 p.m. on October 26, the events of the 2019 Autumn Games of Zhejiang University were successfully completed and came to an end at the athletic field of Zijingang Campus. In the two days of competition, teachers and students of the School of Materials Science and Engineering strived to be the best and did not fall behind, and finally achieved excellent results!

    Today, the students and teachers not only sweat in the Sunshine Run, but also actively participated in the good friend race, basketball and other projects.

    The athletes from the School of Materials sweated on the field and fought hard to win the honor for the group; the logistics staff did their best to provide solid protection for the participants.

    They have achieved proud achievement with the best attitude.