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    Deapartment of Materials 2020 Undergraduate "Excellent Graduates" Defense Review Meeting

    Editor: Date:2020-03-04 Hits:9

    At 19:00 p.m. on March 3, 2020, the Department of Materials’ 2020 Provincial Excellent Undergraduate students’ oral defense evaluation passed the online oral defense smoothly. Mr. Chen Lixin, vice president of the school of materials, Mr. Zhang Shiliang, deputy secretary of the Party committee, Mr. Zhu Hang, Secretary of the Youth League Committee, Mr. Chen Qiang, deputy secretary of the Youth League Committee, and Mr. Chen Jie, director of undergraduate teaching, participated in the review. The review meeting was presided over by Mr. Chen Qiang. After independent declaration and college qualification examination, Yao Yue, Sheng Huanhuan and other ten Provincial Excellent Graduates candidates participated in the defense.

    After Mr. Chen Qiang introduced the rules of defense, the candidates summed up their four-year university experience and harvest in turn, and showed themselves in an all-round way from personal academic performance, scientific research competition, student work, social practice, voluntary service and other aspects, showing a high comprehensive quality. All the judges and teachers listened to the students’ reply carefully and made comments and questions at the same time. The judges ask questions about the experience and characteristics of the students. They not only recognize and gratify the excellent achievements of the students, but also guide the students to think more deeply and widely combined with their growth experience.

    After the defense of ten candidates, Mr. Chen Lixin, the vice president, summarized the meeting. Mr. Chen affirmed and praised the students’ all-round development in all aspects of “morality, intelligence, physical education, beauty and labor”. What’s more valuable is that they are willing to help others around them while they are excellent. No matter what the final result is, we all have our own shining point. The road in the future will be wider and farther.