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    Group Birthday Party of Department of Materials

    Editor: Date:2020-01-18 Hits:4

    On January 16th, the Department of Materials held a collective birthday party for the staff who had their birthdays from January to February.

    Wang Xiaoyan, the new secretary of the Party Committee of the college, attended the birthday party. She said that she took part in the collective birthday activities of the college for the first time and felt the warmth of the big family of the College of materials. At the same time, she also wished the teachers a happy birthday! On behalf of the trade union, Mr. Wu Jinming, chairman of the trade union, wishes every teacher a happy birthday and a good career in the New Year!

    With the music, the teachers gathered together to sing a happy birthday song. After that, they cut cakes, tasted delicious food and talked about home affairs. In the laughter, they not only put down the pressure of work, but also drew closer to each other.

    Academician Zhang Ze was invited to write “Fu” and couplets at the birthday party, and the atmosphere was warm.

    The collective birthday party made teachers feel the care and blessing of the college family. Everyone said that such activities not only carried forward China’s traditional folk culture and enlivened the festival atmosphere, but also sent blessings, warmth and festivity to their hearts.