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    The Open Class - Resume Making and Simulated Interview

    Editor: Date:2019-10-23 Hits:3

    On the afternoon of October 19th, 2019, the open class of resume production and simulated interview of Department of Materials of Zhejiang University was successfully held in Yuanwang Pavilion conference room, 7th floor, Cao Guangbiao Building, Yuquan Campus. Wang Xiao, a consultant, is invited to give you employment guidance in this open class. The purpose is to help students improve the level of resume production, accumulate experience of group interview, and lay a good foundation for future employment.

    In the first scene, Mr. Wang guided the interview thinking of the leaderless group. First of all, Mr. Wang stressed the importance of logical thinking. We should learn to explore the different concerns of interview questions and carry them out. Only in this way can we be clear and have something to say. Then, while the iron is hot, the students on the scene held a mock interview in the form of debate, and personally experienced the tense atmosphere of workplace interview. Simulation interview makes students find their own shortcomings, and is of great help to improve their interview ability. All of students have benefited a lot from listening carefully. Mr. Wang also suggested that everyone should participate in various internships and competitions to enrich their own experience, and be good at summarizing various problems in the process of job hunting. Finally, Mr. Wang also wishes students a smooth job search!

    This open course of resume production and simulated interview has attracted nearly 30 students from No.1 to No.3 graduate school to actively participate in. We hope this open course can help the students of the Department of Materials take the first step from school to the workplace and find a satisfactory job!